The Barcelona Paddle Race is returning between 6–8 december 2024 for a 3-day long event with its signature 16 km downwind race along the coast of Barcelona, and an extra day of V6 outrigger canoe team races!


MOre Info
Individual training, boat testing
BCN Caiac, Port Badalona
Presentation: Outrigger Canoeing
Sala de Actividades, Port Badalona
Registration & dorsals
Sala de Actividades, Port Badalona
7 DEC, sAT| Barcelona Paddle RacE
More Info
Regata Downwind de 16 km | Barcelona
Playa Somorrostro (Barcelona) – Montgat
Preparation of trailers
Port Badalona
Pre-race briefing
Sala de Actividades, Port Badalona
Shuttle bus to Barcelona
from Port Badalona to Playa Somorrostro
Race start
Playa Somorrostro, Barcelona (start line)
Medal ceremony & BBQ
More Info
V6 Team Races
Port Badalona
V6 Team Races (long distance)
Port Badalona
Medal ceremony
Port  Badalona

WhaTsapp Group

Join the WhatsApp group created for participants to receive tha latest race info & updates by the organizers.
Join the Group

Confirmed participation by clubs

Paddlesports Racing Canoe Club (UK)
Royal Canoe Club London (UK)
Ocean Sports Carbis Bay (UK)
Idroscala Club Milano (IT)
Shockwave (IT)
Amici del Fiume Torino (IT)
Canoa San Giorgio (IT)
Canoa Republic (IT)
Club Terre de Camargue La Grau du Roi (FR)
Palavas Kayak de Mer (FR)
Club Canoë Roussillonais Va'a (FR)
Red Star Club Champigny (FR)
Club Canoë Kayak Brestois (FR)
Pacificos Va'a (CL)
Singapore Paddle Club (SG)
Club Natació Banyoles (ES)
Club Vela Platja Llarga (ES)
Club Canoa Almazora (ES)
Club SUP Canal Olímpic (ES)
Club Piragüisme i Triatló Llobregat (ES)
Club Piragüisme Barcelona (ES)
Club de Piragüismo Pobla Marina (ES)


6 DEc, FrIDAY | OPEN DAY & Clinics
Individual training, boat testing
BCN Caiac (Port of Badalona)
V1 Intro & Clinic (Tahitian outrigger canoe)
BCN Caiac (Port of Badalona)
Surfski intro classes
BCN Caiac (Port of Badalona)
Pre-registration & dorsals
BCN Caiac (Port of Badalona)
7 Dec, Saturday| Barcelona Paddle Race
16 km downwind race | Barcelona
Playa Somorrostro (Barcelona) – Playa de Montgat Nord (Montgat)
Registration & dorsals
Sala de Actividades, Port of Badalona
Race briefing
Sala de Actividades, Port of Badalona
Prepare & transfer trailers
Port of Badalona
Shuttle bus from Badalona to start: Barcelona
Playa Somorrostro, Barcelona (start line)
Race start
Playa Somorrostro, Barcelona (start line)
Medal ceremony & fiesta with barbecue
Cabrera de Mar
8 Dec, SUNDAY| V6 TEAM Race
14 km V6 race | Barcelona
Playa Somorrostro (Barcelona) – Port de Badalona
Team line-up & briefing
Playa Somorrostro, Barcelona
Race start
Playa Somorrostro, Barcelona (start is from the water)
Snacks & medal ceremony
Port of Badalona
Jan-Willem Den Hartog from the Amersfoort Lifesaving & Oceanracing club from The Netherlands, passing in front of the beaches of Poblenou with the Mapfre tower and Torre Glories in the background, paddling in a Vajda Next surfski model during the 2022 Barcelona Paddle Race.

Registrations open!

REgistration fee
[€35 until Nov 7]

What is included in the registration fee:
• participation in all events (3 days, 1 price)
• GPS tracker
• post-race barbecue (Saturday, Dec 7)
• race T-shirt & pack

Registration is FREE for last edition's winners (2022): 1st, 2nd, 3rd position in SS1 senior categories, 1st in all other categories.

Invitee List (2022 results)

patrocinadores del evento

patrocinadores Tecnicos


16 KM Downwind
Surfski SS1 Men & Women
[Senior, Sub18; Vet: 35–39; 40–44; 45–49; 50–54; 55–59; 60+]
Surfski SS2 Open
OC1 Men & Women [Senior]
OC2 Open
V1 Men & Women [Senior]
Sea Kayak Men & Women
*In case of less than 5 participants per age category in surfski, categories will be combined except for the senior & Sub18 categories.
Non-Competitive SHortened course (12km)
Open to all types of paddle craft, 12 km Somorrostro to Montgat
*Recorrido acortado (downwind) el mismo día de la carrera individual, desde Somorrostro.
Collage of photos with the distinct categories such as surfski, surfski double, OC1, and V6 outrigger canoe participating in the Barcelona Paddle Race, with iconic buildings of Barcelona in the background.

El recorrido

16 KM Downwind | 7 DIC, sábado
Con la expectativa de que soplara el Garbí, el viento térmico local S/SW, el recorrido de la carrera está programado para el mediodía. Después de un breve tramo con viento en contra (1,5 km) hasta el Hotel W, el recorrido gira hacia el norte y comienza el tramo de downwind.

Siguiendo la costa de Barcelona, ​​el recorrido ofrece una vista única de toda la ciudad y su arquitectura icónica.
El recorrido pasa por el Hotel W, los rascacielos gemelos de Mapfre & the Arts Hotel, la Torre Glòries, los edificios de oficinas modernistas de Diagonal Mar, la pérgola solar de Forum, las Tres Chimeneas de St. Adria. La meta esta al lado del Puerto de Badalona. El recorrido exacto se anunciará en los días previos al evento con detalles.

Saturday Race

16 KM Downwind | 7 DIc, sábado
The race course is scheduled for midday with a south to north orientation. After a short 1.5 km upwind, in front of the Hotel W, the race course turns northwards and the downwind section begins. The course closely follows the Barcelona coastline, allowing a unique view of the entire city and its iconic architecture. The course passes by the Hotel W, the twin skyscrapers of Torre Mapfre & the Arts Hotel, Torre Glories, the modernist office buildings of Diagonal Mar, the giant solar pergola at Forum, the Triple Towers of St. Adria, and the historic pier of Badalona. The finish is at the seaside town of Montgat.

PLaya SOmorrostro▸

Start line of the Barcelona Paddle Race at Playa Somorrostro, Port Olimpic, Barcelona.
La carrera comienza en Playa Somorrostro, una playa de arena protegida justo al lado del Port Olimpic. Los participantes se dirigirán primero hacia el sur, hacia el emblemático Hotel W Barcelona.

Una vez allí, busque la gran boya negra y amarilla, una estructura fija que marca las rocas submarinas cerca de la pared de Port Vell. Apunte directamente a la boya para hacer un giro completo donde el agua sea segura y profunda, sin las rocas.

▸ PLaya de la Marina

Start line of the Barcelona Paddle Race at Playa Somorrostro, Port Olimpic, Barcelona.
Una vez pasadas las Tres Chimeneas de Sant Adrià, ​​apuntamos a la entrada del Puerto de Badalona. Aqui giramos hacia la pequeña playa de arena entre el pequeño espigón y las murallas del puerto. La meta está en la playa, debes pasar por el arco inflable gigante y correr para reportarte a los jueces de la carrera (camiseta roja).

PLaYa SOmorrostro▸

Start line of the Barcelona Paddle Race at Playa Somorrostro, Port Olimpic, Barcelona.
The race starts from Playa Somorrostro, a protected sandy beach right next to Port Olimpic. Participants will first head south towards the iconic Hotel W Barcelona before turning northwards to begin the downwind.

▸ MontGat

Start line of the Barcelona Paddle Race at Playa Somorrostro, Port Olimpic, Barcelona.
Once past the Triple Chimneys of St Adria and the Port of Badalona, aim at the small pointy hill of Turo de Montgat. There are tall residential towers in a hilly forested area all around it. These will help guide you.  

The finish line will be on a small sandy beach right behind the breakwater so take a sharp left when you reach the rocks. The beach is well protected from the southerly wind & waves.
Alternative Race Course

In case an easterly front comes in (winds and waves from NE/E), the race course will be modified to optimize for downwind conditions. In case of no wind/low wind, the standard south to north race course remains in place.

SHort Distance 12 KM

NoN-competitive | Dec 7

Follow the race participants in a shorted, non-competitive leisure course from Somorrostro to Montgat. Total 12 km distance. Shuttle service to the start line & post-race barbecue included. Open to all types of paddle crafts. Register here

Outrigger Canoe (Va'a)

V6 Team Races

Long-distance | 8 Dec, Sunday | Badalona
On Sunday, Spain's first ever long-distance race fully dedicated to outrigger canoeing will take place! The race course will touch upon some of the most iconic coastal landmarks of Barcelona & Badalona, and will be made both interesting and optimised for downwind conditions.
Lista registrados

MEdal Ceremony & Reception

Like in every year so far, there will be reception and food after the main race on Saturday, tied to the medal ceremony. We are working on making it a special barbecue this year, info & details to be published shortly. The reception lunch is included in the registration fee for all participants, additional tickets will be available for friends & family.

Registrations open!

REgistration fee
[€35 until Nov 7]

What is included in the registration fee:
• participation in all events (3 days, 1 price)
• GPS tracker
• post-race barbecue (Saturday, Dec 7)
• race T-shirt & pack

Registration is FREE for last edition's winners (2022): 1st, 2nd, 3rd position in SS1 senior categories, 1st in all other categories.

Invitee List (2022 results)

Rental partners

Rent a Boat

Contact us directly if you need help choosing a boat or can't find what you are looking for!


Elite racing models by Vajda Surfski, choose from a wide variety of carbon or fiberglass skis. Pre-book to rent, or visit our test center & club at Barcelona Caiac.
Available Models
Vajda Makai 43
Vajda Makai 48
Vajda Makai 50
Vajda Makai 53
Vajda Hawk 52
Vajda Next 43
Vajda Next 46
Fenn XTS Double


Pre-book to rent, or visit our paddling club at Barcelona Caiac to test them.
Available Models
OC1 AllWave Mito
OC1 AllWave Libra

V1 (Va'a)

Pre-book to rent, or visit our paddling club at Barcelona Caiac to test them.
Available Models
V1 Are Tahiti
V1 Fai 3x (2018)


Photos of the historic inner courtyard of Alberg La Corneria, a youth hostel situated in Tiana, Barcelona.

Alberg La ConReria, Tiana

Tucked away in a quiet mountainous area in the community Tiana, at a short distance from both Badalona and Barcelona, this former monastery offers stunning views to the city and the sea! Fully renovayed, 8-bed dormitory rooms are offered at a discount to participating clubs.
Sunset view of the Hotel Marina Badalona, the closest accommodation option to the race venue for participants of the Barcelona Paddle Race.

Hotel Marina Badalona

Modern, high-rise luxury hotel within the Port of Badalona and right by the famous seaside promenade. Book your rooms and take advantage of the port facilities for a warm-up training before the race, or to enjoy the seaside bars and restaurants.

Race Videos

Cover of the Barcelona Paddle Race 2023 program booklet
Download the booklet

Race Program & details


Photo Gallery (2022)

Todas las fotos son proporcionadas y son propiedad de Cablepress. Accede a la galería completa a continuación.

Registrations open!

REgistration fee
[€35 until Nov 7]

What is included in the registration fee:
• participation in all events (3 days, 1 price)
• GPS tracker
• post-race barbecue (Saturday, Dec 7)
• race T-shirt & pack

Registration is FREE for last edition's winners (2022): 1st, 2nd, 3rd position in SS1 senior categories, 1st in all other categories.

Invitee List (2022 results)